There are mainly 2 ways to get counter strike working with your pc....
step 1 is the easiest one.....If u have windows also installed in another partition..
You can do it as follows...
1. mount the drive in which cs is installed...
2.Go to the installed folder and run cstrike.exe with wine.
Be careful while doing this...
Points to keep in mind...
1.You should check wdr you have the latest version of wine...
2. You should have enough memory(RAM) 1 GB will do for counter strike.
3. In latest distros like Ubuntu ultimate 2.1 you just need to click the cstrike.exe ... it will automatically be run using wine...
4. If you are using the cracked version the using the cd-key.reg file won't help so try typing the the cd-key itself instead..
Counter strike 1.6 cd key:-5RP2E-EPH3K-BR3LG-KMGTE-FN8PY
This is because linux there it is not compulsory to add a program to registry..and both registries are different...
2.This is the best and the most easy step
do each script in your terminal window seperatly...
$mkdir hlds
$cd hlds
$chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin
$ln -s /bin/gunzip /bin/uncompress
$chmod +x steam
$./steam -command update -game cstrike -dir .
Installing counter strike in ubuntu ultimate 2.1, installing counter strike in ubuntu,installing counter strike in linux,Play counter strike with wine, install counter strike with steam
m having problem with running SK player for viewing demos in